Compensation and Classification


Welcome to the California State University, Los Angeles compensation and classification Website. Responsibilities of this area include supporting the CSU Classification and Qualification Standards by conducting classification reviews and approving position descriptions for staff job postings, conducting equity analysis for determining salary upon appointment to the University; conducting salary, in-range progression, equity review and market salary analyses; consulting with departments regarding reorganization, compensation programs and position description development; and maintaining campus position descriptions. Additionally, the Classification and Compensation unit manages the campuswide Position Management module of the PeopleSoft HR information system.


Liz Gutierrez

Classification & Compensation Specialist
Phone/Ext: 3677
[email protected]


Compensation & Classification Specialist


Position Classification is a method of job evaluation that attempts to measure the worth of a position as a whole unit. Whole positions are grouped with other positions into classes based on commonly accepted criteria known as allocation factors. These groups of positions form the California State University Classification and Qualification Standards. These standards are continually updated by the Chancellor's Office. Standards are linked to salary schedules also maintained by the Chancellor's Office.

The primary objective of position classification is to define and describe accurately the current duties and responsibilities of positions for purposes of determining proper compensation and administering various personnel programs and policies. Classification is based upon the objective elements of a position such as skills and abilities; nature, scope, and level of duties; availability of guidelines, independence-of-action, etc. Information relative to the employee's length of service, time spent at the maximum salary of the position, or the quality of performance are not considered in determining the appropriate classification of a position.

Requests for classification review may be initiated by the incumbent of a position or by the supervisor or manager. The request should include a position description, organization chart, and a memorandum briefly stating what the changes to the position are. The complete request should be submitted to the Classification & Compensation office in Human Resource Management (HRM).

HRM will review the position descriptions; discuss and clarify any areas of concern or confusion with the originating department; compare the position description to CSU Classification Standards; interview the incumbent and supervisor; analyze and evaluate information to determine internal and external equity; document findings, conclusions, and recommendations; and notify the supervisor and incumbent of the results.

To look at specific contract language regarding classification, refer to the appropriate bargaining unit agreement.

For information specific to a collective bargaining agreement, refer to collective bargaining agreements.

For information specific to a collective bargaining agreement, refer to collective bargaining agreements.

For information specific to a collective bargaining agreement, refer to collective bargaining agreements.